Frequently Asked Questions

Simply add qualifying item(s) to your shopping basket, continue to checkout, and enter the voucher code in the box. If the code is applicable, the discount or offer will automatically be applied to your shopping basket.

If you experience any problems redeeming a coupon, the code may have been entered incorrectly or your order may not meet the offer’s criteria. Please check and try again, before getting in touch with our customer care team.

Unfortunately, once your order has been placed, we may not be able to amend or cancel the order.

Get free delivery on all equipment when you choose to upgrade to a 1 or 2-year Premier membership plan. For full delivery details, please see our T&Cs here

Unfortunately, you can’t use two Echelon voucher codes together for a combined discount. If you do have a couple of discount codes handy though, you can spread the saving. Use one code on one order. Then use the second on another.

Discount codes are not valid for items that are already on sale, either. When you apply the discount code, the cart will automatically give you the better deal on that item, whether it's the discount code discount or the current promotion.

Yes, you can! You can use a gift card and a discount code together for a bigger joint deal.